Friday, December 4, 2009

The black one is, always, the color by excellence for the night. And the fact is that its qualities are inimitable: stylizes more than no another color, is very elegant and never passes fashionable. You sheathe you a black dress and become the queen at night. Besides, you have a pile of options with the ones that to combine it: sequins, apply metallic, stamped and brocades,… and especially, the golden one, another of the colors crashes at night that always accompanies us. It finds in our gallery of images the modelito that more you like, ¡and to dance these festivals!

Boy: What are the two things?
Girl: Your feet.
- The doctor to the patient: 'You are very sick'
- The patient to the doctor: 'Can I get a second opinion?'
- The doctor again: 'Yes, you are very ugly too...'

PUPIL: "Would you punish me for something I didn`t do?"
TEACHER:" Of course not."
PUPIL: "Good, because I haven`t done my homework."
- Teacher: Do you have trouble making decisions?
- Student: Well...yes and no.
A: I have the perfect son.
B: Does he smoke?
A: No, he doesn't.
B: Does he drink whiskey?
A: No, he doesn't.
B: Does he ever come home late?
A: No, he doesn't.
B: I guess you really do have the perfect son. How old is he?
A: He will be six months old next Wednesday.
What is Food?
The food is any subtance, composed of proteins, vitamins, fat, carbohydrates and water.
The Food Serves like a gasoline, for it we can have a health.
The doctors say, if everyone have a balance diet, ours level of life grow up significantly, in fact in japon have one of the most balance diet in the world, and we could see in that japon live the most longevity poeple in the world.
The scientists explain that with the diet and customs of live.
And Now in mexico we have a good diet, but the sedentary life and bad customs have a mexico as country of unhealthypeople.
The History of Christmas reveals quite a bit of controversy. For one, the date of Christ's actual birth is unknown. It is not recorded in the Bible.
But In the Roman Empire have other celebration in this day, They have The Sol Invictus Celebration, for them this celebration was very important.
When the Roman Empire took the Catolic religion , they resist to leave theirs traditions, But in council of Constantinopla, the Catolic religion Determinated of 25 december as a birth of Chrit's and for that we celebrated this holyday.
A ghost - or spirit or apparition - is the energy, soul or personality of a person who has died and has somehow gotten stuck between this plane of existence and the next.
I think they have died under traumatic, unusual or highly emotional circumstances.
Ghosts can be perceived by the living in a number of ways: through sight (apparitions), sound (voices), smell (frangrances and odors), touch - and sometimes they can just be sensed.
In my life i can see diferent ghosts, but only once i feel terror about that, because i feel their presences and very often it's like a good sensation, because they are paceful.
How what you?
I´m sorry do you´re sick of Apendicitis...
And I am:
this type of art has many artist and each has a different perception of the beatiful, worderful, happiness, sadness and other things, but the most important is the way that they could tell a thousand of things with a single image.
when you see the pictures you should remember that a image is more worth that a thousand words.
in my opinion I love take photograps and try tu capture the essence of the moment and become a simple moment in a magical picture.
Abstract art uses a visual language of form, color and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world. western art had been, from the renaissance up to the middle of the 19th century, underpinned by the logic of perspective and an attempt to reproduce an illusion of visible reality. The arts of cultures other than the European had become accessible and showed alternative ways of describing visual experience to the artist. By the end of the 19th century many artists felt a need to create a new kind of art which would encompass the fundamental changes taking place in technology, science and philosophy. The sources from which individual artists drew their theoretical arguments were diverse, and reflected the social and intellectual preoccupations in all areas of Western culture at that time.
Abstract art, nonobjective art, and nonrepresentational art, are loosely related terms. They are of similar, although perhaps not identical meaning.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Nitroglycerin has medical uses?
Besides being a powerful explosive, in small doses is used to prevent angina pain and to treat congestive heart failure or heart attacks. Its function is to relax the blood vessels to the heart and thus increase blood flow and oxygen supply to the muscle. The nitro glycerin was created by Italian chemist Ascanio Sobrero in 1874, but seeing it as a dangerous invention due to their volatility, he kept a secret for a year. The compound later became the key to the production ingredientte of dynamite, that is 40% 60% nitroglycerin and nitrocellulose, according to the formula of Alfred Nobel.
Why do cocks crow at dawn?
Being territorial birds, roosters show their power through the swagger, the greater crested coloration and powerful song, especially if they see another male harassing one of his wives. In the chicken farm, the rooster uses its internal clock to know that dawn is approaching and it's time to find food and protect their territory as a dominant male. For this reason it is rare to find several males in the same roost, unless there are enough chickens to go around.

Chess is played on a square board of eight rows and eight columns . The colors of the sixty-four squares alternate and are referred to as "light squares" and "dark squares".
The players are referred to as "White" and "Black" and each begins the game with sixteen pieces of the specified color. These consist of one king, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights and eight pawns.
Did exist the labyrinth of the minotaur?
In 1900, English archaeologist named Arthur Evans discovered the remains of a huge building, now known as the Palace of Knossos. It is thought that the complexity of the palace, with its 800 rooms, suggested that the chroniclers of the time the idea of a 'maze'. Looking closely, it was discovered that part of it had been in his time a strong center of religious activity, where they worshiped bulls. According to legend, the wife of King Minos, who lived in this place, fell in love with one of them and gave birth to a monster, the Minotaur, half man half bull. Minos imprisoned his stepson inside the palace, and each season the neighboring kingdoms required to deliver a group of seven maidens and seven youths for their sacrifice.
How do dolphins sleep?
These whale must be conscious to breathe, which is a major problem when sleeping because they might drown in the process. Therefore,while dolphins sleep they keep awake a half of their brains to regulate the function of breathing while the other half rests. Also dolphins continue swimming while sleeping, and doing it in three main ways: shallow dive in and out every so often to the surface for air, maintaining most of the body under water while leaving out the blow hole-hole Respiratory they have in the top of her body, or when in deep water, dive to the bottom and only emerging occasionally to breathe.
When you decide to study for enginner, you have think about the matemathics and others subjects, but we don't study english like a tool, one very important tool.
If true that we stusy english in one or other way, but always we study for talk to someone like in here, but Technical english, what can we say about that....
When you work in a factory the technical english it's very difficult to understand, and almost the machine's manuals are write in english.
But in that moment you don't know what means bearing, regrind, resaw, insulation, or other words like that.
it's necesary study technical english if you want to b a enginner.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
This year had many galleries very important as OMR (Mexico), Project Monclova (Mexico), Laurent Godin (France), The Black Box (Spain), among others.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
As many of us know, Ricardo Castro Festival is a cultural festival celebrated in Durango city.
This festival has a lot of cultural activities but this time I wanna mention one that I like a lot.
This time I wanna talk about a particular event of this festival: Edgar Oceransky's concert.
Edgar Oceransky is a Mexican singer that He make his own music and songs, his music is not too known but it sounds really good. If you want to enjoy of really good music and have a little more music culture you must have to go to the "Plaza de Armas" at 7PM this november 22.
Edgar Oceransky comes to Durango to promote his new album "Te seguire"
Here is the first single from his album:
Thursday, October 22, 2009
The next information is somthing I read on the net and I found it very interesting and helpuful.
Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are very easy to identify, but the victim may suffer brain damage if the people who attend fails to recognize the symptoms.
Below are the three steps recomended by doctors to identify a stroke:
1.- Ask the person to smile
2.- Ask the person to raise both arms
3.- Ask the person to say a coherent sentence
If the person has any difficult with anyone of this tests, there is a high probability of having a stroke.
with the previous three tests you can recognize a stroke with three hours of anticipation.
Her work is the examining the transition from life to death, body to corpse, Margolles maintains how not even death can function as a leveller of social inequality. In a way, it is the voice of all those dead people who never heard or helped. It ´s something like justice for them.
"Vaporizaciones" the name of most famous performances, in this work, she use the water with wich washed the dead bodies in the morgues.
My favorite work of her, is in the picture (up), she used human fat and other fluids obtained in the liposculpture.
Friday, October 16, 2009
A Japanese company called Haruyama Trading Co. has developed the first suit against the virus "H1N1".
The suit has been designed with titanium dioxide which reacts with the light to weak and kill the virus when it makes contact with the suit.
It has been produced 50,000 suits and it has been on sale only in Japan.
It costs $7,771.91, this makes me think: Wouldn't it be better spend $200 in a vaccine?
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
- During the Civil War, when troops returned to barracks without any floor, put on a big board "0 Killed" (zero deaths). From this comes the expression "O.K." to say that all is well.
- Did you know that every time estorunudas your heart stops for a split finished second.
- Did you know that Las Vegas is the brightest spot from the universe.
- Did you know that lighter was invented before matches.
- Right-handers on average live nine years longer than left-handers
- Each king of cards represents a great king from history: Spades: King David. Clubs: Alexander the Great. Hearts: Charlemagne. Diamonds: Julius Caesar.
Friday, October 9, 2009
The most important evidence about this controversial topic is a daily that belonged to Richard Evelyn Byrd who had a grade of "Lieutenant Commander".
This daily contains information about one mision he made to the South Pole. He describes what happened there, in the most important part of that document he says that one day he and another person were walking through the montains of ice in Antartica when they arrived to the top of one of the mountains they saw many green trees, something impossible in Antartica, so they began to walk toward that place.
While they were walking to that place they experienced several strange sensations, one of them was that while they aproximated to the strange place they felt weather gone changing until they feel heat.
Byrd wrote in his daily about what they saw when they arrived to the place, the most awesome thing is that they saw an extinct animal on earth.
They had to leave the place for the lack of provisions and the next day they tried to go to the place but they couldn't find it (something very strange).
If you wanna know more about this controversial story you can check the following link:
“Molecular Condom"
US scientists has founded a gel made from a polymer, the gel doesn't let the HIV action when
the women use as a vaginal "MOLECULAR CONDOM".
The firts step that the virus infection at the women it's the virus difiusing at the vaginal's fluid.
And that spets it's the gel found block.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
This is a multifaceted artist, and maybe you can think that he is a kind (or a lot) of weird, and this is true.
He is a musician,cartoonist and writer. According whit the magazine "codigo 6140" , Miki represents a young promise in the Mexican contemporary art scene. His work is about politics,cartoons and others social topics.
I think that he is good, but exist many artist that are better, like Teresa Margolles and SEMEFO. In this link you can check some of his work .
You would like to know what express your body?
- Stroking his chin
Decision making - Interlace the fingers
Authority - Give a tug on the ear
Insecurity - Look down
Do not believe what you hear - Rub hands
Impatience - Squeezing his nose
Negative evaluation - Finger tapping
Impatience - Sitting with his hands clutching his head from behind
Self-confidence and superiority - Nod
Interest - Open palms
Sincerity, honesty and innocence - Walking upright
Confidence and self-confidence - Stand with hands on hips
Willingness to do something - Playing with hair
Lack of confidence and insecurity - Nail biting
Insecurity or nerves - The head resting on hands or look at the floor
Boredom - Join ankles
Apprehension - Hands clasped to the back
Rage, anger, frustration and apprehension - Crossing your legs, swinging his foot slightly
Boredom - Arms crossed on his chest
Defensiveness - Walking with hands in his pockets and his shoulders hunched
Leeway - Hand to cheek
Assessment - Rubbing one eye
Doubts - Touch your nose slightly
Lying, doubt or reject something
Monday, October 5, 2009
Perhaps you doesn´t know the tv show called Backyardigans, let me explain, Backyardigans is a children´s show, with five leads Austin, Pablo, Uniqua, Tyronne and Tasha, and they have many adventures in different places.
Before I follow with my (weird) history, you need to know that I have a little niece. so once I have to see the tv with her, and those day, for my surprise I discovered that Backyardigans sing and dance better than many famous "artist".
The songs have many influences and mix many rhythms, even sing one song with Alicia Keys, the song called Boinga, it´s fun and differents, sounds nice.
In this link you can listen the boinga song.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Before to post the evidence I said in my last post I wanna you think in the next questions
Can you explain what's next?
Why seeds, tropical plants and trees are floating in the inland fresh water from icebergs?
Why thousands of tropical birds and animals migrate to the north during the winter?
If the Earth at the Poles is not hollow and warm, how can be many territories colored by pollen?
Why is it warmer at the poles than 1500 miles away from them?
Why the Arctic north wind gets hotter as you transposed 70 degrees of latitude?
Why compass does not work near to the poles?
Where and how icebergs are formed?
Think about it…
Wouldn’t it be awesome Earth was hallow
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
In the past the people had some sports similar to baseball, and those sports came of 14th century, but the Americans versions came of 18th century.
Since 18th century the baseball change only few rules, but in essence is the same sport.
It’s a great sports with fantastic plays and very, very easy to play.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
It´s terrible see me, and discover that I´m stuck in a rut and in the habit of always seeing the same things the same way.
So I think that in this case I´m unique guilty and not gmail.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Some days ago I was reading an article where poeple talk about the shape of the Earth, they said that Earth doesn't have the shape that we allways have believed.
These people say the Earth has holes at the poles, they affirm the Earth is hollow, with another world under ours with a inner sun.
The holes at the poles are the access to the new world, and they say this new wolrd is much better than ours, they also say that there are plant and animal life like in our wolrd but with more variety.
In my next post I'm going to talk about the proofs these poeple have to affirm all this things.
You wait for it...
Friday, September 18, 2009
Because is so sad to see the bads copies that make Televisa and TVAzteca from the shows from the others countrys. Perhaps I should call telerisa y tvapesta. It's shame the little creativity and imagination that they have.
I think that is something like laughing from us. So what the hell happens with them?.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The question is so simple,somebody can answer?.
For example I was thinking that my work are bord, but this is false because everyday i make a diferent things and meet new people.
So now I think that my work is interesting.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
To be continue...