Mike Guadamur

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


This is a multifaceted artist, and maybe you can think that he is a kind (or a lot) of weird, and this is true.

He is a musician,cartoonist and writer. According whit the magazine "codigo 6140" , Miki represents a young promise in the Mexican contemporary art scene. His work is about politics,cartoons and others social topics.

I think that he is good, but exist many artist that are better, like Teresa Margolles and SEMEFO. In this link you can check some of his work .



LoW said...

goooood!!!, well cartoons in mexico allways are related whit politc, it remember me mafalda jaja, crazy kid

Bueninvento said...

Mafalda is good too, if you like cartoons like this, you should check the magazine "Chamuco" it´s very fun, the cartoons are about religion, politics and the social life in Mexico.