Before to post the evidence I said in my last post I wanna you think in the next questions
Can you explain what's next?
Why seeds, tropical plants and trees are floating in the inland fresh water from icebergs?
Why thousands of tropical birds and animals migrate to the north during the winter?
If the Earth at the Poles is not hollow and warm, how can be many territories colored by pollen?
Why is it warmer at the poles than 1500 miles away from them?
Why the Arctic north wind gets hotter as you transposed 70 degrees of latitude?
Why compass does not work near to the poles?
Where and how icebergs are formed?
Think about it…
Wouldn’t it be awesome Earth was hallow
those are some really interesting questions!!!
But I have to admit that I have not idea!!
If you think about it, there are many things in the world that don't have explanation...
I hope you give us the answers to all these questions!!!
I actually dont know if that statements are true, I have never heard that, tuogh
Well, actualy i not that to think!!! in all the articles says about the earth destruction but the people do not do anything to change it, the weather is change since several years.
Only the year respond your questions.....
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