You would like to know what express your body?
- Stroking his chin
Decision making - Interlace the fingers
Authority - Give a tug on the ear
Insecurity - Look down
Do not believe what you hear - Rub hands
Impatience - Squeezing his nose
Negative evaluation - Finger tapping
Impatience - Sitting with his hands clutching his head from behind
Self-confidence and superiority - Nod
Interest - Open palms
Sincerity, honesty and innocence - Walking upright
Confidence and self-confidence - Stand with hands on hips
Willingness to do something - Playing with hair
Lack of confidence and insecurity - Nail biting
Insecurity or nerves - The head resting on hands or look at the floor
Boredom - Join ankles
Apprehension - Hands clasped to the back
Rage, anger, frustration and apprehension - Crossing your legs, swinging his foot slightly
Boredom - Arms crossed on his chest
Defensiveness - Walking with hands in his pockets and his shoulders hunched
Leeway - Hand to cheek
Assessment - Rubbing one eye
Doubts - Touch your nose slightly
Lying, doubt or reject something
it´s very interesting. You know, you can get more information, because the body says that the words no.
I most ask, what could say Stephen Hawking and Christopher Reeves? they was fisicaly dumb??? jaja so sad
It's cool, I like your post is very interesting and truth...
I agree with Bueninvento, I think that sometimes our body express all that our mouth don't.
Our body can express our reals feelings!!!
Take care
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